A word about credit card giving...
We offer the opportunity to donate by credit card as a convenience to those who manage their finances in a God-honoring way. While the Bible teaches cheerful, sacrificial, and systematic giving, it also teaches about the dangers of indebtedness. Please make sure the convenience of giving to God via credit card aligns with Biblical teaching regarding debt.
About online contribution fees...
You should know that the church incurs some expense associated with gifts made by credit card, just like any business does. When you use a credit card, the cost to the church is approximately 2.5% in processor fees. However, you will still receive credit for the full amount of your donation for record keeping purposes. If you are interested in reducing the cost to Cook, you may want to consider making your contribution using an e-check (ACH). E-checks work much like a debit card, as the amount comes directly out of your bank account, but at a greatly reduced processing fee to the church. You may also consider using your bank's online bill payment system to make your contribution. In the Ruston area, many banks offer this service for free and the church incurs no expense in receiving contributions made this way.
All personally identifiable contributions to Cook Baptist Church, whether by check, by cash in an offering envelope, or by online giving, are recorded in our system and you will receive a contribution statement for the year the following January.
For more information, please contact our Financial Secretary at 318-255-1318 or click on the "Give Now" button above to set up your online giving profile on our secure server.