Thank you for taking a moment to visit our site. This is just a little bit about our mission and statement of faith. To find out more about what we believe and why we worship, you can listen to one of our sermons online, visit us on Sunday mornings, or attend a Bible study with us during the week. Our pastors are happy to schedule a time to meet with you to discuss any questions you may have. We hope to hear from you soon!
Building Connections to Christ and Community
This is our mission and the goal behind everything we do. What does it mean?
We lead each other towards Jesus. He is our focus because He changes everything.
We encourage one another to live according to the teachings and pattern of Jesus Christ, in truth and authenticity.
We strive to show the love of Christ to our community, not just the Church but to all those we encounter every day in our neighborhood, our city and our world.
By our actions we hope to build loving, lasting connections with Jesus and with one another.